Crowdfunding Video

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Why Crowdfunding Videos?

They Promote Social Media Sharing and Support for Campaigns

With a crowdfunding video, you have the chance to directly ask your audience to support your cause, promote your film, and otherwise contribute to the success of your campaign. Many campaigns ask their viewers directly for their support at the end of their videos, which clears up any misunderstanding and may increase support and shares. Overall, this video helps to deliver the message clearly.

They Can Connect With Certain Audiences

Paid video marketing campaigns on websites like Facebook and YouTube are becoming more and more popular, and they’re a terrific way to expose more prospective supporters to your campaign’s message. If you’re wanting to target a certain set of people, most platforms allow you to target specific demographics like sex, age, and geography.

A crowdfunding video generates trust

Building trusting ties with core supporters is essential. By including a video marketing approach in your crowdfunding campaign, you can demonstrate to your audience that you are technologically advanced and that you are more invested in the project than merely putting up a campaign page.

Crowdfunding Video Gallery

[everest_gallery alias="crowdfunding-video-gallery"]

Why 10 Studio?

Experienced team

Since 2015, our expert team of creatives has been producing a wide array of video content for our clients and has gathered valuable experience to deliver the best results.

Video Specialists

Our field of expertise lies in video production. From conceptualizing, storyboarding, and scripting to post-processing, we’ve got you covered with our broad range of service offerings.

Result Driven

When taking on a new project, we set specific achievable goals for ourselves. Our business philosophy is to set a baseline.

Tailored To Your Needs

Every project is different, and we try to make it stand out from the mainstream. The whole process and all the video production elements are tuned to meet your needs.


A crowdfunding video should be between 3 to 5 minutes. You don’t have too much time to impress investors, so it’s crucial to fill your pitch with your product’s core idea, the problems it solves, and its growth potential. If it’s too long, then there is a chance that the viewer might miss the actual point of the pitch.

  • Select a crowdfunding platform
  • Highlight your brand
  • Tell a compelling story
  • Use photos and video for emotional impact
  • Offer a variety of tiers for your backers
  • Consider offering an incentive for each tier
  • Email your donors for a follow-up
  • Get creative with your promotion

You can upload your video on YouTube to drive more traffic, target potential customers, and attract more investors. YouTube allows fundraisers to link their videos to their projects on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. This is a great way to garner more exposure and engage with your audience.

The pricing of a crowdfunding video depends on several key factors such as its length, style, voice-over, level of detail, and the absence or presence of characters in the video. To get individual pricing, please provide us with more details about your project.

As a full-service video and animation production company, we understand the need to have a video done quickly. However, keep in mind that working toward faster deliveries of the final product increases the price of our services to accommodate the increased production effort necessary to meet those tight deadlines. That said, the faster we begin, the quicker we’ll have that fantastic crowdfunding video ready for you! Contact us today, and let us start crafting that excellent marketing piece your brand needs!

You can email us, call us, or go to our crowdfunding video company page and fill in a quick form. We highly recommend filling out the form so that we have all the basic information beforehand and can jumpstart the whole process. Within the next 24 hours, our business development department will get in touch with you and set up a short call to talk about your project. This initial call allows us to capture your vision for your crowdfunding video and helps you to understand our production process and the specifics of the project.

When you give us the go-ahead, we will start working out the contract and payment. We will also send you a creative brief containing all the details about the project. Once the contract is signed, and the payment is made, we’ll put you in touch with our production manager to set up the kick-off call and move on with the process from there.

Use Cases For Crowdfunding Videos

  • A Quality Video Length
  • Animations and Graphics
  • Conceptual Showcase
  • Robust CTA
  • A Quality Video Length

    Before convincing investors to focus further on your case, you don't need to overwhelm them with technical aspects. 3 minutes maximum for your intro video is good to go.

  • Animations and Graphics

    It's essential to gather data, statistics, and graphs into a captivating and eye-catching crowdfunding film in order to draw in more investors and raise money. Even the most complex concepts can be visualized with the aid of our WOW team.

  • Conceptual Showcase

    Show off whatever it is you're attempting to sell! Your audience needs to understand what your project is all about, what issues it can fix, and why they should put money into it.

  • Robust CTA

    To encourage viewers to take action, don't forget to include a clear CTA. Always be explicit about what you are asking for, whether you want them to click on a certain link or offer their contact information.

How We Process Crowdfunding Videos

Creative brief

Creative brief

Every project begins with a brief where we determine your needs and gather all the relevant information.

Concept & script

Concept & script

You can provide us with a script or our team can write one for you based on your needs and preferences.



We'll send you a presentation to confirm specific details so that we can make some final edits before delivery.



Our professionals animate still photos and add motion to them to express the correct emotional responses.

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A Few Words From Our Partners

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