Live Action

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Why Live Action Videos?

Highlights the Product

Because of the nature of live action videos, it is an excellent way to showcase your product or service in real-life. A successful live action video allows the potential customer to see and know everything about the product before they buy it.

Saves You Time

Live action explainer videos are easy to make. So, it can save you a lot of time and money as the production process isn’t too complex. But if you want to add more details, then that is possible too, as live action videos are very flexible.

Cuts Through and Engage

The best thing about live action videos is that they are able to connect to the audience in a very human way. Since live action videos involve real people instead of just animations, the audience is able to relate more to the message of the video.

Increases Conversion Rates

To expand on the previous point, when people are able to relate to something, they are more likely to interact with them. In other words, live action videos increases conversion rates because people are able to connect with them a lot more easily.

Live Action Gallery

[everest_gallery alias="live-action-gallery"]

Why 10 Studio?

Experienced team

Since 2015, our expert team of creatives has been producing a wide array of video content for our clients and has gathered valuable experience to deliver the best results.

Video Specialists

Our field of expertise lies in video production. From conceptualizing, storyboarding, and scripting to post-processing, we’ve got you covered with our broad range of service offerings.

Result Driven

When taking on a new project, we set specific achievable goals for ourselves. Our business philosophy is to set a baseline.

Tailored To Your Needs

Every project is different, and we try to make it stand out from the mainstream. The whole process and all the video production elements are tuned to meet your needs.


A live action video is a form of videography that incorporates real-life footage with animated text bubbles, clips, transitions, etc. These videos also consist of performers that act out specific scenes to the audience so that they can get the company’s message across.

Live action videos are best used when you need to deliver a message with a human touch. It creates a very personal connection between the viewer and the content. And if we were to compare it to traditional animated videos, live action videos are the most effective for expressing emotions and how the viewer should feel in specific scenarios.

The pricing of a live action video depends on several key factors such as its length, style, and the level of details in the video. To get individual pricing, please provide us with more details about your project.

As a full-service video and animation production company, we understand the need to have a video done quickly. However, keep in mind that working toward faster deliveries of the final product increases the price of our services to accommodate the increased production effort necessary to meet those tight deadlines. That said, the faster we begin, the quicker we’ll have that fantastic live action video ready for you! Contact us today, and let us start crafting that excellent marketing piece your brand needs!

You can email us, call us, or go to our live action company page and fill in a quick form. We highly recommend filling out the form so that we have all the basic information beforehand and can jumpstart the whole process. Within the next 24 hours, our business development department will get in touch with you and set up a short call to talk about your project. This initial call allows us to capture your vision for your live action video and helps you to understand our production process and the specifics of the project.

When you give us the go-ahead, we will start working out the contract and payment. We will also send you a creative brief containing all the details about the project. Once the contract is signed, and the payment is made, we’ll put you in touch with our production manager to set up the kick-off call and move on with the process from there.

use cases for live action Videos

  • Social Ad Making
  • Sales and Lead Generation
  • Thought Leadership
  • Cultural Video
  • Email Marketing Video
  • Landing Page Video
  • Social Ad Making

    Video is an excellent technique to increase your exposure. There are numerous statistics that suggest that consumers engage with video material on social media significantly more than they do with other types of content. Furthermore, because social networks appreciate video content, you may have a chance at organic reach.

  • Sales and Lead Generation

    Explainer videos help to create a more engaging post that ultimately delivers clear thoughts and ideas to the target customer. It increases the rate of sales and helps a company to grow more.

  • Thought Leadership

    Providing audiences with useful and factual information is most important for society and for the world. Presenting these thoughts with an explainer video is the perfect option for a company. Because it will deliver clear and concise ideas and ultimately people will get to learn something new from it. This way, a channel or company can be the top priority for that group of people.

  • Cultural Video

    This type of video represents a group and their activities. Words and basic text sometimes can't express missions or goals. Viewers can not find any clue but on the other hand, a video can solve this issue at a time because it has the elements to hook the audience and clearly portray the message.

  • Email Marketing Video

    One of the most effective ways to engage with your audience has always been through email marketing. You can do it with video. Because video is the most effective technique to not only capture your audience's attention but also to convey your message or purpose in a timely manner that does not outlast people’s ever-shortening attention spans. Again, when you use video in your emails, you get a 300 percent higher click-through rate and a 75 percent lower unsubscribe rate. Simply put, Short-form videos boost user engagement.

  • Landing Page Video

    These videos are short, minimal, but effective. It makes the landing page more lucrative and engaging for the viewer. To stand out from the rest, these videos are very helpful. And if the page is for a creative industry, this video is a must in this present era.

How We Process Our Live Action Videos

Creative Brief

Creative Brief

Every project begins with a brief where we determine your needs and gather all the relevant information.

Concept & Script

Concept & Script

You can provide us with a script or our team can write one for you based on your needs and preferences.



We'll send you a presentation to confirm specific details so that we can make some final edits before delivery.



Our professionals animate still photos and add motion to them to express the correct emotional responses.

A Few Words From Our Partners

A Few Words From Our Partners

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